1. medicaldata::abm
    Observational Dataset of Acute Bacterial Meningitis
  2. medicaldata::blood_storage
    Retrospective Cohort Study of the Effects of Blood Storage on Prostate Cancer
  3. medicaldata::cath
    Observational Dataset of Cardiac Catheterization
  4. medicaldata::cdystonia
    RCT of Botulinum Toxin B for Cervical Dystonia
  5. medicaldata::covid_testing
    Deidentified Results of COVID-19 testing at the Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania (CHOP) in 2020
  6. medicaldata::cytomegalovirus
    Retrospective Cohort Study of the Effects of Donor KIR genotype on the reactivation of cytomegalovirus (CMV) after myeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant.
  7. medicaldata::diabetes
    Diabetes Prediction Dataset from the Pima Indian Tribe and the NIDDK
  8. medicaldata::esoph_ca
    esoph_ca: Esophageal Cancer dataset
  9. medicaldata::indo_rct
    RCT of Indomethacin for Prevention of Post-ERCP Pancreatitis
  10. medicaldata::indometh
    Cohort Study of the Pharmacokinetics of Intravenous Indomethacin
  11. medicaldata::laryngoscope
    Randomized, Comparison Trial of Video vs. Standard Laryngoscope
  12. medicaldata::licorice_gargle
    Randomized, Controlled Trial of Licorice Gargle before Intubation for Elective Thoracic Surgery
  13. medicaldata::opt
    Obstetrics and Periodontal Therapy Dataset
  14. medicaldata::polyps
    RCT of Sulindac for Polyp Prevention in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
  15. medicaldata::scurvy
    Randomized Trial of Six Therapies for Scurvy
  16. medicaldata::smartpill
    Prospective Cohort Study of Intestinal Transit using a SmartPill to Compare Trauma Patients to Healthy Volunteers
  17. medicaldata::strep_tb
    RCT of Streptomycin Therapy for Tuberculosis
  18. medicaldata::supraclavicular
    Study of Supraclavicular Anesthesia
  19. medicaldata::theoph
    Cohort Study of the Pharmacokinetics of Oral Theophylline
  20. medicaldata::thiomon
    Deidentified Laboratory Data on IBD Patients using Thiourines for at least 4 weeks and their Eventual Remission/Active Status after at least 12 Weeks of Therapy.